intentional design • data driven decisions • agile methodology • empathy • cognitive psychology • gamification •

intentional design • data driven decisions • agile methodology • empathy • cognitive psychology • gamification •

Hi! My name is Zainab.

I’m a UX designer and UX researcher studying at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I’m earning a dual degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Information Science with a concentration in UX and Human-Computer interaction. I am an ex-UX Research intern at Capital One. I am currently working as a graphic designer and student researcher at UIUC.


I care about listening to people’s stories, anecdotes, and life experiences to understand the way they think, act, and feel. At the center of empathy is a genuine desire to put yourself in the shoes of others.

It’s critical to fully understand the problems faced by a person before you can help solve them. After gathering data, I use my analytical skills to identify behavior patterns and cognitive gaps to draw meaningful conclusions.



By using a thoughtful approach, I am able to harness my creativity, knowledge of how the human mind works to craft innovative and unique solutions.